mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 4.x
WebKitXCEF3Lib ActiveX Control / EDIT_COMMANDS Enumeration
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    EDIT_COMMANDS Enumeration
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    Enumeration of HTML5 Editing commands used by ExecCommand.


    Changes the document background color. In styleWithCss mode, it affects the background color of the containing block instead. This requires a color value string to be passed in as a value argument. Note that Internet Explorer uses this to set the text background color.


    Toggles bold on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.


    Makes the content document either read-only or editable. This requires a Boolean true/false as the value argument.


    Copies the current selection to the clipboard. Conditions of having this behavior enabled vary from one browser to another, and have evolved over time. Check the compatibility table to determine if you can use it in your case.


    Creates an hyperlink from the selection, but only if there is a selection. Requires a URI string as a value argument for the hyperlink's href. The URI must contain at least a single character, which may be whitespace.


    Removes the current selection and copies it to the clipboard. When this behavior is enabled varies between browsers, and its conditions have evolved over time.


    Adds a <small> tag around the selection or at the insertion point.


    Deletes the current selection.


    Enables or disables the table row/column insertion and deletion controls.


    Enables or disables the resize handles on images, tables, and absolutely-positioned elements and other resizable objects.


    Changes the font name for the selection or at the insertion point. This requires a font name string (like "Arial") as a value argument.


    Changes the font size for the selection or at the insertion point. This requires an integer from 1-7 as a value argument.


    Changes a font color for the selection or at the insertion point. This requires a hexadecimal color value string as a value argument.


    Adds an HTML block-level element around the line containing the current selection, replacing the block element containing the line if one exists (in Firefox, <blockquote> is the exception — it will wrap any containing block element). Requires a tag-name string as a value argument. Virtually all block-level elements can be used. (Internet Explorer and Edge support only heading tags H1–H6, ADDRESS, and PRE, which must be wrapped in angle brackets, such as "<H1>".)


    Deletes the character ahead of the cursor's position, identical to hitting the Delete key on a Windows keyboard.

    EDIT_CMD_GET_URL85Get main browser frame URL.

    Adds a heading element around a selection or insertion point line. Requires the tag-name string as a value argument (i.e. "H1", "H6").


    Changes the background color for the selection or at the insertion point. Requires a color value string as a value argument. useCSS must be true for this to function.


    Adds a <big> tag around the selection or at the insertion point.


    Indents the line containing the selection or insertion point. In Firefox, if the selection spans multiple lines at different levels of indentation, only the least indented lines in the selection will be indented.


    Controls whether the Enter key inserts a <br> element, or splits the current block element into two.


    Inserts a <hr> element at the insertion point, or replaces the selection with it.


    Inserts an HTML string at the insertion point (deletes selection). Requires a valid HTML string as a value argument.


    Inserts an image at the insertion point (deletes selection). Requires a URL string for the image's src as a value argument. The requirements for this string are the same as createLink.


    Creates a numbered ordered list for the selection or at the insertion point.


    Inserts a paragraph around the selection or the current line.


    Inserts the given plain text at the insertion point (deletes selection).


    Creates a bulleted unordered list for the selection or at the insertion point.


    Toggles italics on/off for the selection or at the insertion point. (Internet Explorer uses the <em> element instead of <i>.)


    Centers the selection or insertion point.


    Justifies the selection or insertion point.


    Justifies the selection or insertion point to the left.


    Right-justifies the selection or the insertion point.


    Outdents the line containing the selection or insertion point.


    Pastes the clipboard contents at the insertion point (replaces current selection). Disabled for web content.


    Redoes the previous undo command.


    Removes all formatting from the current selection.


    Adds all the children of the specified node to the selection. Previous selection is lost.

    EDIT_CMD_SEL_COLLAPSE_TO_END79Collapses the selection to the end of the last range in the selection. If the content of the selection is focused and editable, the caret will blink there.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_COLLAPSE_TO_START80Collapses the selection to the start of the first range in the selection. If the content of the selection is focused and editable, the caret will blink there.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_DELETE81Deletes the selected text from the document's DOM.

    Removes all ranges from the selection.


    Moves the focus of the selection to a specified point. The anchor of the selection does not move. The selection will be from the anchor to the new focus, regardless of direction. The CSS3 Selector argument used to specify the node within which the focus will be moved. It requires the offset position within node where the focus will be moved to. If not specified, the default value 0 is used.


    Returns a Boolean which indicates whether or not there is currently any text selected. No text is selected when the selection's start and end points are at the same position in the content.

    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_CONTAINS_NODE57Indicates if the node is part of the selection. This requires a CSS3 Selector.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_BACK_COLOR65Reads selection back color.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_BOLD67Reads selection bold style.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_COLOR64Reads selection font color.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_ITALIC68Reads selection italic style.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_NAME62Reads selection font name.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_SIZE63Reads selection font size.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_STRIKETHROUGH70Reads selection strike style.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_FONT_UNDERLINE69Reads selection underline.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_HTML58Reads selection HTML markup.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_TEXT60Reads selection Text contents.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_GET_TYPE55Reads selection type. This return none, caret or range.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_BACK_COLOR74Sets the font background color of selection. This requires a value for setting the background style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_BOLD75Sets the bold style of selection. This requires a value for setting the fontWeight style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_COLOR73Sets the font color of selection. This requires a value for setting the color style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_ITALIC76Sets the italic style of selection. This requires a value for setting the fontStyle style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_NAME71Sets the font name of selection. This requires a value for setting the fontFamily style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_SIZE72Sets the font size of selection. This requires a value for setting the fontSize style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_STRIKETHROUGH78Sets the strike style of selection. This requires a value for setting the textDecoration style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_FONT_UNDERLINE77Sets the bold style of selection. This requires a value for setting the textDecoration style property of selection range elements.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_HTML59Replaces selection markup with new HTML markup.
    EDIT_CMD_SEL_SET_TEXT61Replaces selection text with new text contents.

    Selects all of the content of the editable region.


    Toggles strikethrough on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.


    Toggles the use of HTML tags or CSS for the generated markup. Requires a Boolean true/false as a value argument.


    Toggles subscript on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.


    Toggles superscript on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.

    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_DELETE47Deletes a Table. This requires a CSS3 Selector.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_INSERT46Inserts a Table. This requires a CSS3 Selector of the parent element in which the Table will be added. If CSS3 selector is missing and in Edit Mode, the Table will be added to the caret position.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_INSERT_COL49Inserts a Column to a Table. This requires a CSS3 Selector of a TD element before which the Column will be added. If CSS3 selector is missing and in Edit Mode, the Column will be added to the caret position or before the selected Column.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_INSERT_ROW48Inserts a Row to a Table. This requires a CSS3 Selector of a TD element above which the Row will be added. If CSS3 selector is missing and in Edit Mode, the Row will be added to the caret position or before the selected Row.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_MERGE52Merges selected rows and columns of a Table.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_REMOVE_COL51Deletes an entire Column from a Table. This requires a CSS3 Selector of a TD element of the Column that will be deleted. If CSS3 selector is missing and in Edit Mode, the Column of the caret position or the selected Columns are deleted.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_REMOVE_ROW50Deletes an entire Row from a Table. This requires a CSS3 Selector of a TD element of the Row that will be deleted. If CSS3 selector is missing and in Edit Mode, the Row of the caret position or the selected Row are deleted.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_SPLIT_HORIZ53Splits merged Table cells horizontally.
    EDIT_CMD_TABLE_SPLIT_VERT54Splits merged Table cells vertically.

    Toggles underline on/off for the selection or at the insertion point.


    Undoes the last executed command.


    Removes the anchor element from a selected hyperlink.

    EDIT_CMD_UNSELECT43Unselects text contents.

    Toggles the use of HTML tags or CSS for the generated markup. Requires a Boolean true/false as a value argument.


    Some of the commands require an extra argument with the value they apply to HTML5 selection.

    Several enumerations are custom built for WebKitX HTML5 Editing.

    Private Sub mnuFont_Click()
        On Error GoTo ErrHnd
        WebKitX1.ExecCommandSetFocus = False
        WebKitX1.ExecCommand EDIT_CMD_FONTNAME, vbNullString, CommonDialog1.FontName
        WebKitX1.ExecCommand EDIT_CMD_FONTSIZE, vbNullString, CommonDialog1.FontSize & "pt"
        WebKitX1.ExecCommand EDIT_CMD_BOLD, vbNullString, CommonDialog1.FontBold
        WebKitX1.ExecCommand EDIT_CMD_ITALIC, vbNullString, CommonDialog1.FontItalic
        WebKitX1.ExecCommand EDIT_CMD_UNDERLINE, vbNullString, CommonDialog1.FontUnderline
        WebKitX1.ExecCommand EDIT_CMD_STRIKETHROUGH, vbNullString, CommonDialog1.FontStrikethru
        WebKitX1.ExecCommandSetFocus = True
    End Sub
    private void menuItemFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        FontDialog fontDialog1 = new FontDialog();
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommandSetFocus = false;
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommand(WebKitXCEF3Lib.EDIT_COMMANDS.EDIT_CMD_FONTNAME, null, fontDialog1.Font.Name);
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommand(WebKitXCEF3Lib.EDIT_COMMANDS.EDIT_CMD_FONTSIZE, null, fontDialog1.Font.Size.ToString() + "pt");
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommand(WebKitXCEF3Lib.EDIT_COMMANDS.EDIT_CMD_BOLD, null, fontDialog1.Font.Bold.ToString());
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommand(WebKitXCEF3Lib.EDIT_COMMANDS.EDIT_CMD_ITALIC, null, fontDialog1.Font.Italic.ToString());
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommand(WebKitXCEF3Lib.EDIT_COMMANDS.EDIT_CMD_UNDERLINE, null, fontDialog1.Font.Underline.ToString());
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommand(WebKitXCEF3Lib.EDIT_COMMANDS.EDIT_CMD_STRIKETHROUGH, null, fontDialog1.Font.Strikeout.ToString());
        WebKitXCEF31.ExecCommandSetFocus = true;