mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 4.x
WebKitXCEF3Lib ActiveX Control / WebKitXCEF3 Object / EnableHighDPISupport Method
In This Topic
    EnableHighDPISupport Method
    In This Topic

    Enables support for High DPI monitors in host application's current process.

    Visual Basic
    Public Sub EnableHighDPISupport() 

    WebKitX ActiveX is an in-process ActiveX Control that uses out-of-process CEF3 processes for rendering HTML5.

    Even though CEF3 is high-dpi-aware, you must make sure that your executable is also high-dpi-aware.

    In order to aid you enabling this feature, WebKitX Interface offers the EnableHighDPISupport method that must be called on Form_OnLoad event handler, preferably before any other method call. This call will try to enable high-dpi-support in the current process hosting WebKitX ActiveX in-process portion of the control.

    Please note this is helper function for languages such as VB6 and the call does not affect CEF3 client processes. To control High DPI support for entire WebKitX solution (ActiveX and CEF3 processes) you must do so in OnCreate event by setting Settings.enable_high_dpi_support.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        ' Enable High-DPI support in current process
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Resize()
        On Error Resume Next
        WebKitX1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
    End Sub
    Private Sub WebKitX1_OnCreate(ByVal Settings As WebKitXCEF3Lib.ISettings, CommandLineSwitches As String)
        Settings.plugins = False
        Settings.cache_path = App.Path + "\MyCache"
        Settings.application_cache = App.Path + "\MyAppCache"
        Settings.persist_session_cookies = 1
        Settings.persist_user_preferences = 1
        CommandLineSwitches = "" 'defaults
    End Sub
    Private Sub WebKitX1_OnBrowserReady()
        WebKitX1.Open ""
    End Sub
    See Also