Write dictionary-based data to local storage.
The key of the data to write.
The value of the data to write.
Write dictionary-based data to local storage.
The key of the data to write.
The value of the data to write.
For local storage to work you must handle the OnCreate event and set the following settings:
Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Resize() On Error Resume Next WebKitX.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight Err.Clear End Sub Private Sub WebKitX_OnBrowserReady() ' For local storage to work, you need a URL WebKitX.Open App.Path + "\test.html" End Sub Private Sub WebKitX_OnCreate(ByVal Settings As WebKitXCEF3Lib.ISettings, CommandLineSwitches As String) ' For local storage to work, you need the following settings Settings.cache_path = App.Path + "\Cache" Settings.user_data_path = App.Path + "\UserData" Settings.persist_user_preferences = 1 Settings.local_storage = True End Sub Private Sub WebKitX_OnLoadEnd() ' The eval() way WebKitX.Eval "window.localStorage.setItem('lastname', 'Smith');" MsgBox WebKitX.Eval("localStorage.lastname") ' The API way WebKitX.WriteLocalStorage "This is my variable !@$", "This is its value !!" + vbCrLf + "It has two lines!" MsgBox WebKitX.ReadLocalStorage("This is my variable !@$") End Sub