mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 4.x
WebKitXCEF3Lib ActiveX Control / CSS3Style Object
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    CSS3Style Object Members
    In This Topic
    Public Properties

    CSS3 Style: background
    Defines a variety of background properties within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: background-attachment
    Defines the scrolling or fixed nature of the page background.

    CSS3 Style: background-color
    Defines an element's background color.

    CSS3 Style: background-image
    Defines an element's background image.

    CSS3 Style: background-position
    Defines the origin of a background image.

    CSS3 Style: background-position-x
    Defines the x-coordinate of the origin of a background image.

    CSS3 Style: background-position-y
    Defines the y-coordinate of the origin of a background image.

    CSS3 Style: background-repeat
    Defines the repeating qualities of the background image.

    CSS3 Style: border
    Defines a variety of border properties for an element within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: border-bottom
    Defines a variety of properties for an element's bottom border within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: border-bottom-color
    Defines the color of the bottom border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-bottom-style
    Defines the style of the bottom border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-bottom-width
    Defines the width of the bottom border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-collapse
    Defines the model of an element's border.

    CSS3 Style: border-color
    Defines the color of an element's border.

    CSS3 Style: border-left
    Defines a variety of properties for an element's left border within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: border-left-color
    Defines the color of the left border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-left-style
    Defines the style of the left border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-left-width
    Defines the width of the left border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-right
    Defines a variety of properties for an element's right border within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: border-right-color
    Defines the color of the right border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-right-style
    Defines the style of the right border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-right-width
    Defines the width of the right border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-spacing
    Defines the spacing between an element's border and the content within.

    CSS3 Style: border-style
    Defines the style for an element's border.

    CSS3 Style: border-top
    Defines a variety of properties for an element's top border within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: border-top-color
    Defines the color of the top border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-top-style
    Defines the style of the top border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-top-width
    Defines the width of the top border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: border-width
    Defines the width of the border of an element.

    CSS3 Style: bottom
    Defines the location of the bottom edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

    CSS3 Style: caption-side
    Defines the side of a table on which its caption appears.

    CSS3 Style: clear
    Defines the sides of an element on which no floating elements are permitted to be displayed.

    CSS3 Style: clip
    Defines the clipping region.

    CSS3 Style: color
    Defines the color of the text of an element.

    CSS3 Style: content
    Embeds an arbitrary batch of content (such as a movie or a specially formatted string) to be embedded alongside a CSS property.

    CSS3 Style: counter-increment
    Increments a numerical counter for auto-numbering.

    CSS3 Style: counter-reset
    Resets a counter used by the 'counter-increment' property and the counter function.

    CSS3 Style: cursor
    Defines the cursor to display onscreen when the pointer is over an element.

    CSS3 Style: direction
    Sets the direction in which text is rendered.

    CSS3 Style: display
    Defines how an element is displayed onscreen.

    CSS3 Style: empty-cells
    Sets the border behavior for cells with no content.

    CSS3 Style: float
    Indicates whether an element (often a graphic) should be pulled out of the normal text flow and floated toward a particular horizontal position within its enclosing element.

    CSS3 Style: font
    Defines a variety of properties for an element's text font within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: font-family
    Defines a list of fonts for element styling or downloadable font definitions.

    CSS3 Style: font-size
    Defines the font size for the text in an element or in a downloadable font definition.

    CSS3 Style: font-style
    Defines the font style for the text in an element or a downloadable font definition.

    CSS3 Style: font-variant
    Defines special font properties for the text in an element or for a downloadable font definition.

    CSS3 Style: font-weight
    Defines the font weight of the text in an element or for a downloadable font definition.

    CSS3 Style: height
    Defines the height of a structural element.

    CSS3 Style: left
    Defines the location of the left edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

    CSS3 Style: letter-spacing
    Defines the horizontal interletter spacing of characters within the text of an element.

    CSS3 Style: line-height
    Defines the vertical interline spacing of lines within the text of an element.

    CSS3 Style: list-style
    Defines the display style for a list and list elements.

    CSS3 Style: list-style-image
    Defines an image to use as the opening symbol of a list element.

    CSS3 Style: list-style-position
    Defines the position of the marker of a list element.

    CSS3 Style: list-style-type
    Defines the type of marker of a list element.

    CSS3 Style: margin
    Defines the width of an element's outer-element margin.

    CSS3 Style: margin-bottom
    Defines the width of the bottom margin of an element.

    CSS3 Style: margin-left
    Defines the width of the left margin of an element.

    CSS3 Style: margin-right
    Defines the width of the right margin of an element.

    CSS3 Style: margin-top
    Defines the width of the top margin of an element.

    CSS3 Style: max-height
    Defines the maximum height of a structural element.

    CSS3 Style: max-width
    Defines the maximum width of a structural element.

    CSS3 Style: min-height
    Defines the minimum height of a structural element.

    CSS3 Style: min-width
    Defines the minimum width of a structural element.

    CSS3 Style: opacity
    Specifies how to blend the offscreen rendering into the current composite rendering.

    CSS3 Style: orphans
    Defines the minimum number of lines in a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page (before a page break).

    CSS3 Style: outline
    Defines a variety of properties for an element's outline (drawn outside the element's border) within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: outline-color
    Defines the color of an element's outline.

    CSS3 Style: outline-offset
    Defines the offset of an element's outline from its border.

    CSS3 Style: outline-style
    Defines the style of an element's outline.

    CSS3 Style: outline-width
    Defines the width of an element's outline.

    CSS3 Style: overflow
    Defines the treatment of content that overflows the element's bounds.

    CSS3 Style: overflow-x
    Defines the treatment of content that overflows the element's horizontal bounds.

    CSS3 Style: overflow-y
    Defines the treatment of content that overflows the element's vertical bounds.

    CSS3 Style: padding
    Defines the width of an element's inner-element padding.

    CSS3 Style: padding-bottom
    Defines the width of the bottom padding of an element.

    CSS3 Style: padding-left
    Defines the width of the left padding of an element.

    CSS3 Style: padding-right
    Defines the width of the right padding of an element.

    CSS3 Style: padding-top
    Defines the width of the top padding of an element.

    CSS3 Style: page-break-after
    Defines the page break behavior following an element's definition.

    CSS3 Style: page-break-before
    Defines the page break behavior before an element's definition.

    CSS3 Style: page-break-inside
    Defines the page break behavior within an element.

    CSS3 Style: pointer-events
    Defines the parts of an element that responds to pointer events, such as a click, mouse over, or hover.

    CSS3 Style: position
    Specifies how an element is positioned.

    CSS3 Style: resize
    Specifies the directions in which resizing is allowed.

    CSS3 Style: right
    Defines the location of the right edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

    CSS3 Style: src
    Provides a list of locations for a downloadable font definition.

    CSS3 Style: table-layout
    Specifies whether to use automatic or fixed table layout.

    CSS3 Style: text-align
    Defines the alignment for inline content within an element.

    CSS3 Style: text-decoration
    Defines special styling for text, such as underlines.

    CSS3 Style: text-indent
    Defines the amount to indent the first line of text within an element.

    CSS3 Style: text-overflow
    Controls overflow of non-wrapped text.

    CSS3 Style: text-shadow
    Defines a variety of properties for an element's text shadow within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: text-transform
    Defines a capitalization transformation for the text in an element.

    CSS3 Style: top
    Defines the location of the top edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

    CSS3 Style: unicode-bidi
    Defines the Unicode bidirectional text algorithm used to display text.

    CSS3 Style: unicode-range
    Describes the unicode characters supported by a downloadable font definition.

    CSS3 Style: vertical-align
    Defines the vertical alignment of elements inline with text.

    CSS3 Style: visibility
    Defines whether or not an element is visible onscreen.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation
    Combines common animation properties into a single property.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation-delay
    Defines when an animation starts.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation-direction
    Determines whether the animation should play in reverse on alternate iterations.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation-duration
    Specifies the length of time that an animation takes to complete one iteration.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation-iteration-count
    Specifies the number of times an animation iterates.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation-name
    Specifies the name of an animation.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation-play-state
    Determines whether the animation is running or paused.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-animation-timing-function
    Defines how an animation progresses between keyframes.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-appearance
    Changes the appearance of buttons and other controls to resemble native controls.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-backface-visibility
    Determines whether or not a transformed element is visible when it is not facing the screen.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-background-clip
    Specifies the clipping behavior of the background of a box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-background-composite
    Sets a compositing style for background images and colors.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-background-origin
    Determines where the background-position property is anchored.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-background-size
    Overrides the size of a background image.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius
    Specifies that the bottom-left corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius
    Specifies that the bottom-right corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing
    Defines the spacing between the horizontal portion of an element's border and the content within.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-image
    Specifies an image as the border for a box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-radius
    Specifies that the corners of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-top-left-radius
    Specifies that the top-left corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-top-right-radius
    Specifies that the top-right corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-border-vertical-spacing
    Defines the spacing between the vertical portion of an element's border and the content within.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-align
    Specifies the alignment of nested elements within an outer flexible box element.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-direction
    Specifies the direction in which child elements of a flexible box element are laid out.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-flex
    Specifies an element's flexibility.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-flex-group
    Specifies groups of dynamically resizing elements that are adjusted to be the same size.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-lines
    Specifies whether a flexible box should contain multiple lines of content.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-ordinal-group
    Specifies a rough ordering of elements in a flexible box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-orient
    Specifies the layout of elements nested within a flexible box element.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-pack
    Specifies alignment of child elements within the current element in the direction of orientation.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-reflect
    Defines a reflection of a border box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-shadow
    Applies a drop shadow effect to the border box of an object.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-box-sizing
    Specifies that the size of a box be measured according to either its content (default) or its total size including borders.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-break-after
    Determines whether a column break can and should occur after an element in a multicolumn flow layout.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-break-before
    Determines whether a column break can and should occur before an element in a multicolumn flow layout.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-break-inside
    Determines whether a column break should be avoided within the bounds of an element in a multicolumn flow layout.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-count
    Specifies the number of columns desired in a multicolumn flow.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-gap
    Specifies the space between columns in a multicolumn flow.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-rule
    Specifies the color, style, and width of the column rule.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-rule-color
    Specifies the color of the column rule.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-rule-style
    Specifies the style of the column rule.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-rule-width
    Specifies the width of the column rule.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-columns
    A composite property that specifies the width and number of columns in a multicolumn flow layout.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-column-width
    Specifies the width of the column in a multicolumn flow.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-dashboard-region
    Specifies the behavior of regions in a Dashboard widget.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-line-break
    Specifies line-breaking rules for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) text.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-margin-bottom-collapse
    Specifies the behavior of an element's bottom margin if it is adjacent to an element with a margin. Elements can maintain their respective margins or share a single margin between them.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-margin-collapse
    Specifies the behavior of an element's vertical margins if it is adjacent to an element with a margin. Elements can maintain their respective margins or share a single margin between them.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-margin-start
    Provides the width of the starting margin.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-margin-top-collapse
    Specifies the behavior of an element's top margin if it is adjacent to an element with a margin. Elements can maintain their respective margins or share a single margin between them.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-marquee
    Defines properties for showing content as though displayed on an electronic marquee sign.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-marquee-direction
    Specifies the direction of motion for a marquee box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-marquee-increment
    Defines the distance the marquee moves in each increment.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-marquee-repetition
    Specifies the number of times a marquee box repeats (or infinite).

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-marquee-speed
    Defines the scroll or slide speed of a marquee box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-marquee-style
    Specifies the style of marquee motion.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask
    Defines a variety of mask properties within one declaration.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-attachment
    Defines the scrolling or fixed nature of the image mask.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-box-image
    Defines an image to be used as a mask for a border box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-clip
    Specifies whether the mask should extend into the border of a box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-composite
    Sets a compositing style for a mask.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-image
    Defines an image to be used as a mask for an element.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-origin
    Determines where the -webkit-mask-position property is anchored.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-position
    Defines the position of a mask.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-position-x
    Defines the x-coordinate of the position of a mask.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-position-y
    Defines the y-coordinate of the position of a mask.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-repeat
    Defines the repeating qualities of a mask.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-mask-size
    Overrides the size of a mask.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-nbsp-mode
    Defines the behavior of nonbreaking spaces within text.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-padding-start
    Provides the width of the starting padding.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-perspective
    Gives depth to a scene, causing elements farther away from the viewer to appear smaller.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-perspective-origin
    Sets the origin of the -webkit-perspective property described in '-webkit-perspective.'

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-rtl-ordering
    Overrides ordering defaults for right-to-left content.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-tap-highlight-color
    Overrides the highlight color shown when the user taps a link or a JavaScript clickable element in Safari on iPhone.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-text-fill-color
    Specifies a fill color for text.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-text-security
    Specifies the shape to use in place of letters in a password input field.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-text-size-adjust
    Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in Safari on iPhone.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-text-stroke
    Specifies the width and color of the outline (stroke) of text.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-text-stroke-color
    Specifies the color of the outline (stroke) of text.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-text-stroke-width
    Specifies the width for the text outline.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-touch-callout
    Disables the default callout shown when you touch and hold a touch target.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transform
    Specifies transformations to be applied to an element.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transform-origin
    Sets the origin for the '-webkit-transform' property.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transform-origin-x
    The x coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transform-origin-y
    The y coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transform-origin-z
    The z coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transform-style
    Defines how nested, transformed elements are rendered in 3D space.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transition
    Combines -webkit-transition-delay,-webkit-transition-duration,-webkit-transition-property, and -webkit-transition-timing-function into a single property.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transition-delay
    Defines when the transition starts.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transition-duration
    Defines how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transition-property
    Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-transition-timing-function
    Specifies how the intermediate values used during a transition are calculated.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-user-drag
    Specifies that an entire element should be drag-able instead of its contents.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-user-modify
    Determines whether a user can edit the content of an element.

    CSS3 Style: -webkit-user-select
    Determines whether a user can select the content of an element.

    CSS3 Style: white-space
    Defines how whitespace characters in an element are handled onscreen.

    CSS3 Style: widows
    Defines the minimum number of lines in a paragraph that must be left at the top of a page (after a page break).

    CSS3 Style: width
    Defines the width of a structural element.

    CSS3 Style: word-break
    Specifies the level of strictness when breaking lines of text in ideographic languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

    CSS3 Style: word-spacing
    Defines the amount of space between words.

    CSS3 Style: word-wrap
    Specifies word-splitting behavior for wrapping lines that are too long for the enclosing box and contain no spaces.

    CSS3 Style: z-index
    Overrides the default stacking order of elements.

    CSS3 Style: zoom
    Specifies the magnification of an element.

    See Also