mobileFX WebKitX CEF3 ActiveX 4.x
WebKitXCEF3Lib ActiveX Control / WebKitXCEF3 Object / DebuggerDisable Method
In This Topic
    DebuggerDisable Method
    In This Topic

    Disables the Debug domain.

    Visual Basic
    Public Sub DebuggerDisable( _
       ByVal Debugger As WEBKITX_DEBUGGER _

    Defines use of Chromium Debugger for WebKitX debugger commands and events.

    DEBUGGER_NODEJSDefines use of node.js Debugger for WebKitX debugger commands and events.

    This is intended for IDE developers with prior experience with Inspector Protocol. WebKitX offers debugging capabilities for both Chromium and Node.js. For more information please refer to these guides:

    Private Sub WebKitX_OnCreate(ByVal Settings As WebKitXCEF3Lib.ISettings, CommandLineSwitches As String)
        On Error Resume Next
        With Settings
            .app_path = App.Path
            .accept_language_list = "es-CL,en-GB"
            .remote_debugging_port = 9999
            .persist_session_cookies = 0
            .persist_user_preferences = 0
            .nodejs_auto_start = False
            .nodejs_debug_port = 9998
            .nodejs_debugger_protocol = "inspector"
            .nodejs_executable = App.Path + "\etc\config\server\node.exe"
            .nodejs_modules_path = App.Path + "\etc\config\server\node_modules"
            .nodejs_command_line_arguments = " --stack-trace-limit=25 --interactive --report-compact --insecure-http-parser "
            .nodejs_terminate_on_debug_end = True
        End With
        CommandLineSwitches = CommandLineSwitches + " --no-proxy-server --disable-cache --disable-gpu-program-cache --disable-gpu-shader-disk-cache"
        CommandLineSwitches = CommandLineSwitches + " --disable-background-networking --disable-background-timer-throttling --disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows"
        CommandLineSwitches = CommandLineSwitches + " --disable-breakpad --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --disable-default-apps --disable-dev-shm-usage "
        CommandLineSwitches = CommandLineSwitches + " --disable-renderer-backgrounding --disable-sync --metrics-recording-only --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Editor_OnEvent(ByVal EventType As String, ByVal EventSelector As String, ByVal TargetSelector As String, ByVal TargetPath As String, ByVal EventData As String, ByVal Async As Boolean, PreventDefault As Boolean, CancelBubble As Boolean)
        On Error Resume Next
        Select Case EventType
        Case "mousedown"
            HTML_X = EventValue(EventData, "x")
            HTML_Y = EventValue(EventData, "y")
            If InStr(EventData, """which"": 3,") > 0 And InStr(EventData, """shiftKey"": true,") > 0 Then
                ContextMenuTimer.Enabled = False
                ContextMenuTimer.Enabled = True
            End If
        Case "click"
            Select Case TargetSelector
            Case "#x-w2ui-designer-action-play":
                If Debugger.PageLoaded Then
                    ' When continuing, unpause both client and server
                    If Debugger.ClientPaused Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerContinue DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM
                    End If
                    If Debugger.ServerPaused Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerContinue DEBUGGER_NODEJS
                    End If
                End If
            Case "#x-w2ui-designer-action-step-in":
                If Not Debugger Is Nothing Then
                    If Debugger.ClientPaused And SelectedDebugger = DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerStepIn DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM
                    ElseIf Debugger.ServerPaused And SelectedDebugger = DEBUGGER_NODEJS Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerStepIn DEBUGGER_NODEJS
                    End If
                End If
            Case "#x-w2ui-designer-action-step-out":
                If Not Debugger Is Nothing Then
                    If Debugger.ClientPaused And SelectedDebugger = DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerStepOut DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM
                    ElseIf Debugger.ServerPaused And SelectedDebugger = DEBUGGER_NODEJS Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerStepOut DEBUGGER_NODEJS
                    End If
                End If
            Case "#x-w2ui-designer-action-step-over":
                If Not Debugger Is Nothing Then
                    If Debugger.ClientPaused And SelectedDebugger = DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerStepOver DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM
                    ElseIf Debugger.ServerPaused And SelectedDebugger = DEBUGGER_NODEJS Then
                        Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerStepOver DEBUGGER_NODEJS
                    End If
                End If
            Case "#x-w2ui-designer-action-stop":
                Debugger.PageLoaded = False
                Debugger.WebKitX.Open "about:blank"
                Debugger.WebKitX.DebuggerContinue DEBUGGER_CHROMIUM
                PrintStatus "Ready."
            End Select
        End Select
    End Sub
    See Also